container cabin holyoke 5 - Holyoke container cabin

Holyoke container cabin


Located on a family property in northern Minnesota in a very small community called Holyoke, this small and cozy shipping container cabin was created single-handedly by two very talented brothers, Paul and Scott Stankey.

As a result of a crumbling trailer home, the two brothers and their wives have decided to build a new cabin getaway home so they could further enjoy the property’s ravines, hills, fields and prairie.


A small budget, extreme weather and hopes for structural longevity brought the group to consider the possibility of creating an affordable structure from shipping containers. After some drawings and space analysis, two 20’ used containers (5000-pound each) were purchased in Minneapolis for $800 each.



With no electricity or running water and after a lot of pushing, pulling and mixing, the group succeeded in creating a small container cabin with the use of homemade windows and hardware and welding on-site.


When complete, the cabin will include a kitchen, dining room, living room, wash and clothes area, and two queen beds. The interior walls and ceilings will be finished in birch plywood, to match the old trailer’s original look& feel as well as a full 12v lighting system with a gas light back up and a gray-water system.


* More info at Hive Modular


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3 thoughts on “Holyoke container cabin

  1. Faith Fageroos

    My family & I have been looking into the container idea for over a year now. I have been researching different designs and love what you have done. I am wondering if you have any contact information on where you bought your containers for 800? We are also located in central Minnesota and I have not found containers for less than 1700.

  2. Teresa

    I thind your container cabin is really neat I have been trying to find a cheap way to build a studio and have been looking into containers also. I also live in MN and used to have land up in Holyoke, by the Hitchen post. I would lve to see your cabin and also talk to you about how you created it. Thanks Teresa
    Please email me at


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