coastal seaside home rock 5 - Rock House: A Luxurious Shelter Among the stones

Rock House: A Luxurious Shelter Among the stones


This amazing coastal summer house is situated on a rocky seashore in Vestfold, Norway, and its walls seem to organically grow out of the rocks. The 3,229 sq. ft. house partly stands on the walls of an old building, with a layout stretched parallel to the coastline.

The design concept of this building is definitely not unity. Although the house is very harmonious, it is perceived rather as a row of spaces, than as a solid building. Such a concept makes the spaces – both inside and out – more vivid, structural, and unexpected… I love it!

From certain perspectives the house can even be perceived as the scenery for this rocky seaside place. Let me try to explain: we have got a row of exterior and interior rooms: the covered decked terrace, the pool, which seems so natural in its surroundings it has been there for ages, the open terrace near the pool, the living block with its entrances and windows, etc. All this feels so different and seducing, offers so many various perspectives and views, that you can’t really perceive it all as one – It feels like there is a lot to explore about the space of this villa! And it excites.


Yet the harmony and the integrity of such a stretched volume is achieved by the marvelous, yet rustic stone and wood cladding as well as by the architects’ delicate sense of composition. It feels luxurious.





* More info at JVA

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