Designed by Josh Owen for Casamania, the SOS Stool is a multi-functional item that is perfect for relaxed, social gatherings. Created in multi-colored polyethylene, this piece of furniture is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and because of its unique design, it can be used as a seat, a table and a tray.
The two elements attached to the seat can be used as cup or wine-glass holders, handles or hooks. The top surface features a rim and therefore can be used as a tray. Turned upside-down it becomes a fun and unusual vase or container.
“…Now synonymous with a distress signal, S.O.S. began as a naval term: the original meaning was “Save Our Ship”. Like a life-raft, the SOS Stool is a floating island of utility that extends beyond the parameters of what we consider a temporary seat.”
Featured in the permanent design collections of the Centre Pompidou, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
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