steam tower menu - Steam Tower: Nutritional Power

Steam Tower: Nutritional Power


Modern cooking is slowly re-discovering the power of steam. Although the steaming method is well known for centuries, we had to go through fried-roasted-soaked fiasco first. Well, here we are again, and this time we’re equipped with this ever practical Steam Tower.

This is a brilliant cooking tool: A modern version of the traditional Asian steamer. The porcelain bowls can be stacked in the oven, enabling the preparation of several dishes at once. And the result is healthy, moist and fantastic. The Steam Tower maintains vitamins and minerals and adds a wonderful taste to your food. Nutritional power in this steam tower.

Modern life is about trends. Nowadays, it seems like there’s a new trend popping out everyday. One thing, though, stands out from all the others – healthy living. Slowly it is upgraded from just a trend into a solid lifestyle. Healthy living is, first and foremost, cooking healthy food, where it’s all about using natural ingredients and preserving their values while cooking.

Steaming food is the perfect way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This steam tower allows you to save time as you can cook several dishes at once and enjoy the benefit of a healthy diet. The added bonus is – this set is designed with class and elegance for you to serve and enjoy. Enjoying yourself is definitely a healthy form of living… See the pattern?



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