mint cleaner - Mint Automatic Floor Cleaner: Robo-Smart

Mint Automatic Floor Cleaner: Robo-Smart


I don’t know about you, but personally I’d love to have a little robot that will do all my chores for me: cleaning, cooking, washing. Well, thanks to the Mint Automatic Robotic-action Floor Cleaner it is now looking closer than ever, well, at least the cleaning part…

The cool-looking cleaner sweeps and mops hard surface floors automatically, using popular dry and pre-moistened disposable or re-usable micro-fiber cleaning cloths. Dry sweeping mode is ideal for picking up dust, dirt and pet hair. Guided by the North Star Navigation Cube, it tracks where it cleans so it doesn’t miss a spot. It runs up to 3 hours on a single charge. It operates itself quietly and turns itself off when finished – tell me that’s not a dream. Most important – it is low maintenance with no bins to empty or filters to change.

Pinch me. Pinch me now. It just seems too good to be true. Finally, I could literally put my legs on the table and rest while someone else is cleaning the house. Better yet – I can go shopping, while my house is being cleaned. Who wouldn’t need something like that?

We all have jobs, we’re all very busy, we’re all juggling our daily schedule, craving for a moment of peace and quiet. I believe anyone could make a good use of a gadget like that – Saving time on cleaning and leaving it to someone else. Literally.

This automatic floor cleaner detects and cleans around furniture and other obstacles as it encounters them. Then, it follows with a perimeter sweep along the edges of furniture and baseboards, then returns to where it started and parks itself.

Smart sensors help it avoid area rugs and raised carpet transitions, detect areas that are too low to enter and avoid falling down the stairs. Robo-Smart!




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