smart scale fitbit2 50x50 - Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Scale: Know where you stand

Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Scale: Know where you stand


It’s always a little difficult for me to mobilize a disciplined workout regime. I tend to visit the gym in fits, and I’ll stay at home for weeks with a successful weight-lifting routine on maybe one of those days. Technologies like the Aria by Fitbit are perfect for motivating consistent fitness, and hopefully helpful for someone like me, too.

At a glance a simple scale, the Aria combines wireless Internet connectivity with descriptive body composition statistics to give you detailed data about your health. The Aria makes it possible to share your body composition information with any friends you choose, and you can always share real-time statistics on Twitter and Facebook. This is the kind of system perfect for people who want to participate in a little healthy competition with peers to maintain exercise routines.


To direct your attention to the data, the Aria has a very minimal design, featured only in black or white. It can sync securely with and the companion iPhone application so that you have access to your personal body composition information whenever you need it.

The Aria is the kind of technology that looks nice, can sit solitary and unused, or can be employed for a wealth of health information.



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