tea bench banquette21 50x50 - Banquette tea bench: Perfectly brewed

Banquette tea bench: Perfectly brewed


Four cushions piled on a low wooden table, wrapped with two leather belts – so simple, yet so attractive. Perfectly formed for tea (or other beverage) lovers with a small space, a great garden, or wanderlust. The Banquette tea bench is a Japanese inspired pale wooden portable coffee table and seats in cream linen. The table is in keeping with smooth Scandinavian carpentry, featuring a drawer and grooves for the belts to fit. What’s more – when all wrapped up it’s a great stool seat alone.

This is a lovely piece of bi-functional design that behaves equally well in both its guises. The move from one to the other is also simple and fast. The lack of fiddly plastic parts and screws mean it looks pure, plus means you can keep it for years without worrying about breakage. The simple shapes and combination of earthy leather, wood and linen make it as pure as, green tea. A detox for your furniture.



You could take this out to make a picnic luxurious, use it for kids playtime, Sunday morning tea or a rooftop glass of wine with friends. Meanwhile when you’re not entertaining, it would be a great hallway seat, or bedroom ‘drop station’ (i.e. where you sling your clothes after work!)

Keep calm and drink, whatever.




Designer + Photography: Micomoler

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