portable furniture system ng1 800x597 - Lynko Nomadic Furniture System

Lynko Nomadic Furniture System

Lynko Nomadic Furniture System is a mobile closet fit for even the most “princessy” of gypsy souls! This Natalia Geci designed portable furniture collection is an epic freestanding modular closet for the contemporary nomad; or for anyone who is comfortable with calling any space in which they set up their Lynko – “home”.

Geci came out of the closet with her idea when she started to rethink what home truly meant to her in a time where disposable living is truly the norm. After all, lets face it – circa 2016 is fueled by a Craigslist buying-and-selling culture who love a good find, but are equally as willing to give up that find for their next discovered treasure.

Ergo – a portable furniture solution that can integrate into any house, hotel room, or next grand adventure hobby-farm!



The Lynko compartmentalized living solution is customizable, featuring varying sized metal frames held together by wooden hinges, creating an innumerable amount of configurations, ranging from a simple “one night stand” to a full-fledged vanity area, or even a compact office space.

And the best part – it all folds up into an easily transportable duffle bag storage, where all your worldly possessions can be perfectly preserved for the next stop on the map.




“I read about a gentleman in Sweden who only owned twenty objects. Our belongings should bring us joy and the system I have created allows users to show off their most treasured items. That way they can remember what they have, stop buying things twice and use their objects more efficiently. I want people to treat the system as a dwelling, like a snail carrying it’s shell from place to place.”

– says Argentinian architect and designer Natalia Geci.



Design: Natalia Geci
Photography courtesy of Natalia Geci

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