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Galyateto Tourist Center

Most people – I dare say – think, that ‘if you’ve seen one tourist center, you’ve seen them all’. But such would not be the case when it comes to the Galyateto Tourist Center in Hungary. Located at the second highest peak of the Matra Mountain, and nestled at the top of the National Blue Tour hiking trail, the refurbished Galyateto Tourist Center has been beautifully enhanced beyond the original stony hut it once was.

Constructed for durability within the mountains, it’s rocky past has been maintained, but added to with exposed reinforced concrete elements and indoor luxuries that are a must-see.

Equipped with a modern community kitchen, a communal gathering space with wooden block benches and a warm fireplace nook perfect for post-mountain adventures, an equipment shop, meditation room, along with upper floor accommodation arranged with wooden bunk beds made-up for 32 people to rest – this is not just a tourist center, it is an all-in-one recharge resort.

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Alternate accommodations also include more private spaces, offering double bedrooms hosting up to 22 people, as well as handicapped residences and a tenting area as well.

All of these modern niceties are fueled by a variety of sustainable means, with an air heat pump and heat recovered air-ventilation system, rainwater recovery outlet, solar power collectors, photo voltaic panels and LED lighting throughout the building – this mountaintop oasis is next-level sustainable.

All this, along with a lot of thermic insulation – keeps this tourist center dry, warm, and the ideal place to recover from any given day’s adventures!

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Photography: Tamas Bujnovszky, Mark Tassy, Andras Ladocsi

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