Looking for a cute-as-a-button house/hotel combo? Aparthotel Oslo is a fabulously fresh take on the YMCA, and fits the bill without running you a steep one.
Providing 163 rooms to call your semi-permanent home, or – alternately, utilized as a stop-over for your vacation in the Gronland district of Oslo; this boutique space offers clean lines and a simplistic modern appeal that would suit pretty much any taste.
From feminine light wood floors and bright white fittings – such as an island, kitchen table and sparkling bathroom, to a more masculine, richly carpeted, ebony countertops and walnut cabinets, along with timber furnishings to finish off the robust allure, these spaces contrast beautifully.
Once an office building, the brick exterior is reminiscent of such, while the interior is fuelled by the comforts of home – including the open-concept kitchen leading the way and looking on to the living and dining space. While the bedrooms offer similar home-style comforts without being too style-specific, keeping these spaces open-ended in the personalized department.
With more people choosing an increasingly fluid lifestyle, working from wherever they so choose to stay, the “long-stay” opportunity within Aparthotel Oslo is appealing to many, providing a stylish yet affordable place to rest your head for as long as you see fit.
Architects: Studio Puisto Architects
Photography: Pauliina Salonen
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