padfone asus 50x50 - The PadFone: The Transforming Smartphone

The PadFone: The Transforming Smartphone


While there are a lot of smartphones that resemble tablets in size and function. And one is really a smaller or bigger version of the other. But still, people usually buy one of each. An iPhone and an iPad. A Google Nexus 4 and a Nexus 10. How would our tablet / smartphone experiences be different if we could just combine the two when we want to?

If we occasionally need a bigger screen, why buy a completely different product that does the same thing your smartphone does, just at many hundreds of dollars more? The PadFone from Asus is an attempt to merge this smartphone / tablet confusion for good, with everything you do coming from the little 4.3″ cellphone. Continue reading

headphones throne 6 50x50 - Throne Headphones: A Blast From The Past

Throne Headphones: A Blast From The Past


When we think of music back in the 50s the first thing that springs to mind is Rock ‘n Roll – a new type of music that allowed youngsters to break out of the conservative American middle class mainstream. The design team at I-MEGO decided to pay tribute to the 50s with their new Throne headphone collection, combining vintage style with crystal clear audio and premium performance – a blast from the past. Continue reading

bluetooth watch cookoo 50x50 - Cookoo: Renewing the Wristwatch for the Digital Age

Cookoo: Renewing the Wristwatch for the Digital Age


While some might say that the smartphone removes any need for single-function devices like watches, there are others who think the long-used wristwatch can evolve into something better. Some days you may want to leave your smartphone deep in your backpack with the ringer turned off. But maybe you still want to keep abreast of all your various text messages, tweets, and Facebook posts – you just don’t want to be caught with your face pointed down to a screen and accidentally run into someone walking up to you. The watch has always been a good, quick-glance tool that would give you the time without needing to examine it for to long – one quick look, and your focused on the road again. Continue reading

pen mouse keyboard penclic 50x50 - Penclic Mouse And Mini Keyboard: Click In Style

Penclic Mouse And Mini Keyboard: Click In Style


Ergonomics makes your work more comfortable and efficient. It all comes down to making you feel better, both mentally and physically, while doing a specific task. Swedish company, Penclic, designed a new set of ergonomic accessories for your computer – a wireless mouse and keyboard that will keep your desk minimal and tidy, your arms and shoulders free of stress, and your heart jumping for joy while working with such stylishly sleek gear. Continue reading

toshiba kirabook ultrabook 2 50x50 - Toshiba Kirabook: A Premium Ultrabook

Toshiba Kirabook: A Premium Ultrabook


Shed the television, the desktop, and the entertainment system that consumes a third of your room. Laptops, specifically ultrabooks, are transforming into more than multi-purpose tools. They incorporate the newest sound design, the clearest screen definitions, and the smallest form. While Apple may have branded the MacBook Air as the light, slim, aluminum-clad ultrabook class as the product to beat, every other familiar computer company seems to be adding their own designs to the ultrabook series, and they’re doing better then the fruit company. So now the ultrabook to beat is the Kirabook from Toshiba. Continue reading

ipad cover miniot mk2 50x50 - Miniot MK 2 iPad Cover: Wooden Curves

Miniot MK 2 iPad Cover: Wooden Curves


If ever you needed to make your stylish iPad better looking, here is the opportunity. The Mark 2 from Miniot is a magnetic wooden cover for your iPad that combines a natural texture with the futuristic, metallic tablet. Maybe you’d imagine a wooden iPad cover to be rather stiff, but it is divided with hinged spaces that allow the cover to curve. But while it is malleable, because of its wooden durability, the Mark 2 can be rolled up behind the iPad and act as a stand. Continue reading

ricoh gxr digital camera 5 50x50 - Ricoh GXR Digital Cam: The Camera, Redesigned.

Ricoh GXR Digital Cam: The Camera, Redesigned.


There are many cameras that are designed just for the sake of brilliant design. They were made to be looked at, not necessarily used. Still, there are cameras that were designed to take photos, really good photos, and the design had everything to do with it – the camera just may not have looked like a piece of fruit.

The new GXR from Ricoh is an interesting redesign of the camera system. Consisting of a body and specific camera “units,” the GXR allows a photographer to quickly change lenses and digital image processing engines with a simple click. Continue reading

tv streamer plair 50x50 - PLAiR: In Streaming Media, Smaller is Better

PLAiR: In Streaming Media, Smaller is Better


Tiny seems to be standard for design of digital gadgets these days. Even over-sized smartphones are occasionally described as just smaller tablets. MacBook Airs and Ultrabooks prioritize thinness. E-Readers with newer touchscreen technology trim a fifth of their form by removing the older keypads. Now, streaming media to your television is available with the palm-sized PLAiR. Continue reading

camera strap ultrafit 4 50x50 - UltraFit Sling Strap: It's All In The Wrist

UltraFit Sling Strap: It’s All In The Wrist


Taking that perfect shot means you need to be ready, and so does your gear. So in case you’re at the right place at the right time but you still need to take your camera out of your bag – Doh! you missed it. So you’re thinking – a camera strap – however, traveling with a camera hanging on your neck is heavy and looks so bad, and while on your shoulder swinging around and not too comfortable.

After a ton of user research and testing over 100 different designs and materials, the designers at Joby came up with a new dynamic camera strap. It’s called the UltraFit Sling Strap and it will make your photography comfortable, secured and super fast. Continue reading

spaeker bluetooth vamp 50x50 - The Vamp: Giving Life to Old Technology

The Vamp: Giving Life to Old Technology


This is cool design. There is a discrete, square device that can reawaken any old speaker and resurrect it to play music once again. The Vamp, a project by London-based designer Paul Cocksedge, which he funded on Kickstarter, is a small red boxey shaped tool that when connected to any speaker with the 3.5mm cord plays anything via Bluetooth. Continue reading