container home covepark1 800x644 - Container homes at Cove Park

Container homes at Cove Park

These container homes are actually three en-suite accommodation units, created by Container City, providing flexible and comfortable homes for the artists on residency and for other visitors to Cove Park. Continue reading

container homes habode 2 - Shipping container homes by Habode

Shipping container homes by Habode

shipping-container-homes-habodeShipping container homes by Habode are built on an eco-friendly concept designed by New Zealander Rod Gibson.

Container homes are great since your prefab home actually comes on the back of a shipping container truck and can be placed almost anywhere you want.

Habode are seeking to generate a significant impact on the way we think about a home, Continue reading

prefab all terrain cabin 2 - Prefab cabins the All Terrain Cabin

Prefab cabins the All Terrain Cabin


The All Terrain Cabin (ATC) ,designed by Canadian BARK, is basically a prefab cabin made out of old ISO shipping containers as the basis for the structure which have been outfitted totally with Canadian Design and Technology. Continue reading
